Organic farming is a highly labor-intensive process. We at Mangal Organics directly support farmers to maintain their social, economical and environmental conditions. Our integrated production system not only enables us to keep the traceability from farms to the final packaging, but also ensures that we deliver a range of ethical products to our consumers.

International Standards & Certifications

All our organic products conform to NPOP, USDA-NOP & EU standards and are certified by internationally acclaimed agencies, which include ECOCERT and FLOCERT for Fair Trade. In addition, we also hold certifications from COR, DOLNARA Korea & KOSHER. Our cane sugar is tested at ILAC-MRA Labs in Italy for pesticides and heavy metal residues.

Why Organic

Natural fertilizers are used

Major sources of organic fertilizers are farmyard manure, rural & urban compost, crop residues, neem cakes, and the like. In addition, bio-fertilizers such as Blue Green Algae (BGA) are used extensively to meet the nitrogen demand of crops.

Organic foods retain their original taste, aroma, and are more nutritious

Organically grown foods contain more nutrients as the soil is nourished with natural fertilizers and is free from chemicals and pesticides. A study conducted by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that on an average, foods that are organically grown have 27% more vitamin C, 21.1% more iron, 13.6% more phosphorus and 29.3% more magnesium as compared to conventionally grown foods. They retain their original taste and aroma as they contain higher amounts of antioxidants and their yield is lower.

Reduces pollution, protects water & soil, and preserves agricultural diversity

Organic farming practices help preserve the ecosystem by enabling wildlife, birds, insects, frogs, and soil organisms play their respective roles without interference. In addition, certified organic standards do not permit the usage of toxic chemicals in farming. This preserves water as well as the soil.

Moreover, most conventional farming practices yield extremely hybridized and attractive-looking produce, whereas organic farming practices yield a range of indigenous varieties that are tolerant to conditions such as pests and droughts. Organic farmers understand that diversity is critical to survival, owing to which they grow an assorted range of food by following time-tested traditions and natural processes.

Job creation for farmers

Organic farming is a highly labor-intensive process. We at Mangal Organics offer direct support to farmers in various ways